
Edgard Saey

Donation in the spotlight

  • display cabinets (museum café)
  • dossier exhibition


Safeguarding heritage for future generations is one of a museum's basic tasks. Ever since In Flanders Fields Museum opened its doors, in 1998, hundreds of families and individuals along with various associations and institutions have entrusted us with various items dating back to the First World War or having some bearing on this period of history. A museum is therefore not only for its public, but also by its public.

In the summer of 2013 we were pleased to receive from Ms. Marie Saey from Antwerp the donation of an exceptional number of war souvenirs belonging to her father, Edgard Saey (1886-1932). Exceptionally complete, the Saey donation offers an overview of the kind of souvenirs a Belgian army officer might have pieced together: a helmet, a uniform jacket ripped by a German bullet, a few weapons, photographs, trench maps belonging to Belgian soldiers or seized from the Germans, letters and instruction manuals. As a result of presenting only one (albeit comprehensive) donation, In Flanders Fields Museum would also like to pay tribute to all the other people who have made donations big and small, all in the cause of safeguarding the First World War heritage.